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Blender 4.2: Nodes & Physics

Geometry Nodes

  • Some sampling nodes now support a Group ID input to process the input geometry in multiple pieces
  • The sockets in the Repeat and Simulation zone nodes are now aligned (1f30f41af8).
  • The Remove Named Attribute node now supports removing multiple attributes that have the same prefix or suffix (6c46178a7f).
  • The Store Named Attribute node can now write 8-bit integer attributes (1681e55114).
  • The Curve to Points node now has a rotation instead of vector output socket (248dafef74).
  • The input and output sockets in simulation and repeat zones are now aligned (1f30f41af8).
  • The Face Neighbors mesh topology node now gives the correct number of unique faces (dd672c38b1)


  • The Scale Elements node was rewritten to become at least 4-10x faster (2cb3677557).
  • The Sample UV Surface node is 10-20x faster when used on large meshes (0a430fb8cb).
  • Many nodes (e.g. Grid) became faster due to general threading optimization (b99c1abc3a).

Node Tools

  • The Mouse Position gives access to the click position and a "Wait for Click" option can delay the operator's execution until the user clicks (ce224fe401).
  • The Viewport Transform node provides access to the view direction and location of the 3D viewport(83ed92d533).
  • Extra object evaluations are now avoided, improving overall performance, especially when objects have modifiers (b3ecfcd77d).
  • Socket inspection now works in the node editor for node tools (740d1fbc4b).

Matrix Socket

There is a new matrix socket type and a few corresponding nodes. * Combine Transform: Builds a matrix based on location, rotation and scale. * Separate Transform: Decomposes a matrix into its location, rotation and scale components. * Transform Point: Applies the matrix transformation on a point. * Transform Direction: Applies the matrix transformation on a direction. This ignores the location/translation component of the matrix. * Project Point: Applies the matrix on a point and also performs perspective divide. * Invert Matrix * Multiply Matrices * Transpose Matrix

Node Editor

  • Input sockets that don't allow editing the value don't show up in the sidebar anymore. (d27a1c47fa, d9d9ff1dcd).
  • Slightly improved sorting in search when adding nodes (d1634b2a4a, 22c6831f63).
  • Show tooltip with node description when over node title (749433f20b).
  • Improved tooltips for dangling reroute nodes (fa66b52d0a).
  • Improved tooltips for multi-input sockets (ed9921185a).
  • Display node label for tooltips on reroute nodes (0bd6279504).
  • Multiple images can be added at the same time using drag and drop (615100acda).