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Common Extensions and Plugins

A number of Markdown extensions and (Material for) MkDocs plugins are used to enrich the experience of this website.

The following isn't a complete list of the available extensions/plugins (for that, check the mkdocs.yml configuration file in the root of the documentation repository), only the most useful ones are listed and briefly introduced here.


Both the admonitions and the markdown-callouts extensions are used to provide support for content blocks such as these:

Some Info Box

This is an info box.

!!! INFO "Some Info Box"
    This is an info box.
INFO: **Some Info Box**
This is an info box.

Alternatively (allows multiple paragraphs):

> INFO: **Some Info Box**
> This is an info box.

As you can see the extensions use a different syntax, but both give the same result. Allowing either syntax just makes sure developers can use whatever syntax they are used to from other platforms.

Definition lists

Technical documentation needs clear, unambiguous language, especially when covering complex topics. Clearly defined terminology is important for that. When used consistently, mentally mapping documentation to the actual implementation becomes easier. Therefore the documentation makes good use of the definition lists extension.

Here's an example taken from its documentation:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum. Donec vitae suscipit est. Nullam tempus tellus non sem sollicitudin, quis rutrum leo facilisis.

Cras arcu libero

Aliquam metus eros, pretium sed nulla venenatis, faucibus auctor ex. Proin ut eros sed sapien ullamcorper consequat. Nunc ligula ante.

Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis. Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla. Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.

`Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet`

:   Sed sagittis eleifend rutrum. Donec vitae suscipit est. Nullam tempus
    tellus non sem sollicitudin, quis rutrum leo facilisis.

`Cras arcu libero`

:   Aliquam metus eros, pretium sed nulla venenatis, faucibus auctor ex. Proin
    ut eros sed sapien ullamcorper consequat. Nunc ligula ante.

    Duis mollis est eget nibh volutpat, fermentum aliquet dui mollis.
    Nam vulputate tincidunt fringilla.
    Nullam dignissim ultrices urna non auctor.