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UI Script Generator

Every generated rig comes with a Python script that implements a set of rig-specific UI panels. The generation of this script is managed by the ScriptGenerator generator plugin.

The script consists of a set of utility functions and operators, followed by the panels themselves.


An instance of this class implements the generation of the script, and is accessible as generator.script or rig.script.

Utility Code

These methods are used to add utility code to the script, and register it when necessary.

All string lists added by these methods are concatenated together and filtered for duplicates before adding to the script. This allows easily sharing code between rigs without duplication by sharing code strings.

Adds module import lines to the script.
Add utility code to the script.
Add class names to be registered in the module register function.
Add function names to be added to the driver function namespace.
script.register_property(name, definition)
Add a custom property to be registered.


script.add_imports(['import math'])

def test_add(a, b):
  return a + b



script.register_property('Object.test_prop', '''bpy.props.StringProperty(name="test")''')

It is recommended to store the string lists used in calls to these functions in module global variables, in order to allow other modules to easily share the code later by using the same globals.

UI Panel Code

The script provides a UI panel that shows properties and operators relevant for the currently selected bones of the rig. These methods are used to generate the code for it.

Directly adds code to the panel. This method is deprecated and provided only for compatibility with legacy code.
script.panel_with_selected_check(rig, control_names)
Returns a PanelLayout object for generating a section of the panel belonging to the specified rig, and shown when the specified controls are selected. Repeated calls with the same parameters return the same panel object.

The sub-panels are ordered based on the sequence of the calls to this method, with panels belonging to the same rig always placed adjacent to each other.


Objects of this class are used to generate the panel code in a structured way, resembling the standard UILayout code.

The methods of the class accept arbitrary keyword parameters, denoted with '...', which are converted to strings and added verbatim to the generated UILayout calls.

Property referencing the ScriptGenerator that owns the panel.
Request the Bake settings panel to be generated.
panel.custom_prop(bone_name, prop_name, ...)
Generates a layout.prop call for the specified custom property of the specified bone.
panel.operator(operator_name, properties=None, ...)
Generates a layout.operator call, invoking the specified operator. The properties dictionary may be provided to assign input values to the properties of the operator itself.

The operator name may contain '{rig_id}' to automatically include the unique ID string of the rig.

Generates a layout.row call, and returns a PanelLayout object representing the sub-panel.
Generates a layout.column call, and returns a PanelLayout object representing the sub-panel.
Generates a layout.split call, and returns a PanelLayout object representing the sub-panel.

Sub-panel properties = value
Sets the active property of the sub-panel to the specified value.
panel.enabled = value
Sets the enabled property of the sub-panel to the specified value.


The script generator supports using expressions that depend on bone property values at runtime, and can be used in place of any value inputs to the methods and properties above. Conversely, non-expression constants can be used wherever an expression is expected in the method below.

The expressions are represented by the PanelExpression class, and can be initially created through a few of the methods of the panel. They also implement many operators on their own.

Returns a reference expression representing the PoseBone with the specified name (can be an expression or constant).
Returns a boolean and expression combining the expressions specified as parameters.
Returns a boolean or expression combining the expressions specified as parameters.
panel.expr_if_else(if_expr, true_expr, false_expr)
Returns a conditional expression combining the expressions specified as parameters.
panel.expr_call(func_name: str, parameters...)
Returns a function call expression that invokes the specified function on the given parameter expressions.


This class represents an expression that would be evaluated at the script runtime, rather than during creation.

It returns the expression string from its repr(), and also overrides the following operators:

  • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, //, %
  • Bitwise: <<, >>, |, &, ^
  • Unary: +, -, ~
  • Comparison: <, <=, ==, !=, >=, >
  • Functions: abs(), round(), trunc(), floor(), ceil()

These operators all accept either other expressions, or non-expression constants as their second input.

The boolean and conditional operators cannot be overridden and thus are implemented as functions of PanelLayout. To prevent mistakes, the expression class overrides conversion to bool to throw an exception.

Reference expressions

Expressions that wrap a direct reference, such as the result of panel.expr_bone() also implement access operators:

Returns a reference expression that represents the specified field of the expression target.
Returns a reference expression that represents the specified item of the expression target.
expr.get(item_expr, default=None)
Returns a reference expression that represents the specified item of the expression target, accessed via the get() method with default value.


  • panel.expr_bone("foo")["bar"] accesses the custom property bar of the bone foo.
  • panel.expr_bone("foo").get("bar", 0) accesses the custom property bar of the bone foo, using the value 0 if it doesn't exist.
  • panel.expr_bone("foo").location[0] accesses the X location property of the bone foo.
  • panel.enabled = panel.expr_bone("foo")["bar"] > 0 sets the enabled property of the panel based on comparing the value of the custom property with 0.