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Layered Animation: Project Baklava

Project Baklava is the working title of the in-development layered animation system. This documentation is tracking the design and development work. At the moment of writing this intro, this documentation is not complete, but merely a start.

On the name Baklava

The name 'Baklava' is just a project name. It was chosen because the project introduces a layered animation system, baklava is layered (and delicious), and it nicely alphabetically follows its predecessor Animato.

Eventually this will just be known as Blender's animation system.

Relevant links:

Main Goals

In short, Baklava introduces a new ID data-block Animation, which will replace the Action as the defacto container of animation data.

  • Multiple data-blocks can be animated by a single Animation (and still have different animation).
  • Animation can be stored as layers.


For the broad design, see the 2023 workshop blog post. Since then some things were changed / detailed, which are described here.

No More Strips

The initial version of Baklava will not have strips. Animation is stored directly on the layer. This makes the whole UI/UX design a lot simpler, as each layer will simply have a well-defined value for each property at each point in time.

Strips will likely be introduced later, in order to be able to replace the NLA. However, the initial version of Baklava will have the animation data stored directly on the layer. This simplification will help to release a version earlier, to get it in the hands of animators for feedback.

Channel Groups & F-Curve Ordering

Actions are separated into 'action groups'. These are arbitrarily named groupings of F-Curves. This has certain downsides:

  • Grouping: Some tooling assumes that these are not arbitrarily named, and makes the assumption that if they match a bone name, all the animation for that bone is inside that group. These assumptions can fail, as it's possible to arbitrarily rearrange F-Curves and even pop them out of a group, or group them manually.
  • F-Curve Order: F-Curves can be manually reordered within the Action. This makes it rather complex for the Blender code to efficiently, say, get all rotation components, as this requires a full scan of all the F-Curves.

Proposed design for F-Curves in an Animation data-block:

Grouping would (for now) be hard-coded and automatically managed by Blender. These groups would have to exist in DNA in order to store things like expanded/collapsed state, selection state, and color (for example for bones). It shall not be possible to manually add groups or to move F-Curves between groups.

Blender would create the following groupings: - Property groups: "Transforms", "Custom Properties", maybe some other classification of properties. - Sub-data groups: Bone name, maybe other sub-data as well.

F-Curve Order: F-Curves should be ordered by group, and within that group by RNA path and array index. This makes it predictable (for both animators and Blender itself) where they are and how they're ordered. For example, the current Euler Filter operator assumes that F-Curves for rotation components are sequentially stored. In practice this is true most of the time, but not always. Enforcing a fixed ordering will make these operations faster and more predictable. It is also unclear how much advantage manually reorderable F-Curves bring to animators.

For groupings of sub-data, the group order should follow the sub-data order. For bones this would simply be alphabetical, but for shapekeys it should follow the shapekey order. It is unclear whether this reordering would always happen when reordering the sub-data, or whether it would be some button to press to sync up the ordering. Probably the former is more desirable.

Ordering of Groups manually should likely still be possible. That way an animator can, for example, order bones in a sensible-for-the-rig way. A common example is to order the fingers in actual finger order, instead of alphabetically.