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GUI reference structure

For each existing editor, a list of its GUI elements, depending on the context.

GUI archetypes

For each GUI "archetype", we explain the usage not depending on the context.

Examples: how to collapse a panel, how to split a window, etc...

Mapping GUI item <-> operator

GUI items include buttons, menu entries, shortcuts, …

This will be done in the DB (mostly by auto-generating scripts).

Basically, an UI element can either fire an operator, or directly affect a property. If the later case is trivial, the former is a bit more trick, since a same operator can be used by different ui elements (e.g. different menu entries), with different parameters, and hence different effects!

So, for:

GUI items editing a property:
One-to-one simple mapping, nothing special here.
GUI items firing an operator:
They are further sub-classified depending on the values they pass to the operator.

GUI conventions

  • How to add to a selection
  • ...
  • ...


/Areas/<Area type> (OLD NEEDS EDITITNG)

/View/<Editor> (in this page we put a USAGE text, a short guide to get quick results)
/view-specific elements

Example: 3D Area


/3D area
/Object Mode
/Edit Mode
/Sculpt Mode
/Vertex Paint
/Texture Paint
/Weight Paint
/Object Mode
/Edit Mode
/Sculpt Mode
/Vertex Paint
/Texture Paint
/Weight Paint
/Object Mode
/Edit Mode
/Sculpt Mode
/Vertex Paint
/Texture Paint
/Weight Paint
/Object Mode (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements
/Edit Mode (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements
/Sculpt Mode (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements
/Vertex paint (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements
/Texture paint (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements
/Weight paint (contains USAGE text)
/view-specific elements


Usage text example


  1. .Select the objects to array.
  1. .Choose ModifiersFile:Modifiers.jpg > Add modifierFile:Add modifier.jpg > Array
  1. .Change thisCheckbox.jpg
  1. .Change thatSlider.jpg
  1. .Change .. whateverSlider.jpg
  1. .Results are to be seen instantly in the viewport
  1. .Pressing ‘Apply’ wont let you work on the modifier in the future.