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Discuss decisions/questions/history here

1) 25-4-2012 PKHG try to use only methods of classes

2) 25-4-2012 PKHG try to be as short and easy

3) 26-4-2012 PKHG make a Menu(morph)

4) 26-4-2012 PKHG Use of underscores as space

1) Kilon : I agree this is a good strategy, Smalltalk also uses only setters and getters, of course we cannot stop people from changing attributes as python does not allow it but we can make it easier and safer for them using only methods. I propose to prefix methods with get_ for getters and set_ for setters. Thus morph.get_color() and morph.set_color(Color).

2) Kilon : yes short and easy is good idea. In short will mean that we wont use many classes and many modules, we will try to keep the architecture simple and instead use a lot of methods for common functionality. So anything morph wise should go in morph unless its specific then it will have its own morph class like any custom / complex morph.

3) Kilon : Menus are necessary , we need however to let them be as open as morph so they are not just text based as most menus but even icon, image or even animation based if the user wish so. So I propose to implement basic function in them and then we can later create more complex class inheriting from the Menu class.

4) Kilon : I want underscores to be used as space, for example , set_morph_color(color) . I am thinking of using spaces in Proteas so the user could call the same function with visual code "set morph color Color". So we should use underscores as much as possible and avoid naming like setMorphColor .

5) 27-4-2012 PKHG chat with Kilon ==> each world should get its own and single hand (worlds belonging to different areas)

6) 27-4-2012 PKHG broken stuff things postponed ...

7) 28-4-2012 PKHG the space_view3d_screencast_keys.y is THE example to handle keyboard events!!(THANKS to those authors!!)

8) 29-4-2012 PKHG catching keyboard input from hand was not successful ... today Blender Gui in toolshelf is used by the hand above a StringField morph and RETURN ('RET')

8a) 29-4-2012 PKHG reason for not having success is e.g. to be seen here


9) 30-4-2012 PKHG Shift W as well as E (keyboard) are differently handled and can not yet be captured by a modal addon ?! ;-( 9) 3-5-2012 PKHG, luckily it was OUT error, keyboard can be catched ;)

10) 3-5-2012 PKHG, keyboard layout will be US (at least in the start phase)

11) 25-5-2012 PKHG, the world morph is reponsible for showing or hiding childrens ;-)

12) 17-6-2012 PKHG, the morph for input does not use BOLD, ITALIC, and only a default font ;-)

13) 29-5-2012 PKHG, kilon has an 'bugtracker' it has to be used from now on (PLEASE!) adress