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Hi! My name's Spencer. Here's my website, here's my LDraw importer, and here's my GSoC 2012 project proposal.

How to use the Hive System

  1. Grab a SOC 2012 Swiss Cheese build. You can try here, or you can build your own. It has to have some audio file back-end enabled (ffmpeg, sndfile) and some audio playing front-end enabled (OpenAL, SDL) for my demos to work.
  2. Check out my Hive system branch:
    1. Download and install Bazaar.
    2. Run
      bzr branch lp:~impiaaa/hivesystem/blender
      on the command line in a folder somewhere.
    3. Copy, move, or link "bee," "dragonfly," and "libcontext" into ${Blender folder}/2.63/scripts/modules/, where ${Blender folder} depends on your platform. On Windows it's next to the executable, on Mac it's in, and on Linux I think it's in /usr/share/blender.
  3. Same with Spyder:
    1. Run
      bzr branch lp:spyder-framework
      in the same folder as before
    2. Rename spyder-framework to spyder
    3. Copy, move, or link "spyder" into ${Blender folder}/2.63/scripts/modules/
  4. Now you're ready to run with the Hive system! You can try any of Sjoerd's demos, or my own: