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Source code and Documents to review


The Laplacian Smooth allows you to reduce noise on a mesh's surface with minimal changes on its shape.

Computer graphics objects which have been reconstructed from real world, contain undesirable noise. A Mesh smoothing tool removes undesirable noise while still preserves desirable geometry as well as the shape of the original model.

The Laplacian Smooth is based on a curvature flow Laplace Beltrami operator in a diffusion equation.

The Laplacian Smooth can be used to model objects with a new technique called "Smooth Subdivision Surface". In this technique, you can move vertices along a curvature flow, by changing the lambda factor.

Original Proposal


Design Document


Manual Page for Wiki


Laplacian Smooth Modifier

Main file MOD_laplaciansmooth.c

Laplacian Smooth Operator

Main file bmo_smooth_laplacian.c




  • Mathieu Desbrun , Mark Meyer , Peter Schröder , Alan H. Barr, Implicit fairing of irregular meshes using diffusion and curvature flow, Proceedings of the 26th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, p.317-324, July 1999
  • Yunhui Xiong , Guiqing Li , Guoqiang Han, Mean Laplace-Beltrami operator for quadrilateral meshes, Transactions on edutainment V, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011