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Blender 4.2: Pipeline, Assets & I/O

Collection Exporters

File format exporters can now be associated with Collections. One or more exporters can be added and configured in the Collection properties panel. (509a7870c3)

This feature streamlines the process of re-exporting the same asset(s) repeatedly, making it more convenient. Additionally, it enables simultaneous export to multiple formats from a central location.

It also provides a central place to consolidate export settings which are stored inside the .blend file for easy sharing and persistence across Blender sessions.


  • The new Hair Curves object type is now supported for both Import and Export


  • The new Hair Curves object type is now supported for both Import and Export
  • Addressed long-standing issue where animated curves would not update during render


  • OBJ, PLY, STL importers now default to "Validate Meshes" option being on (761dd6c923). This makes import process a bit slower, but prevents later crashes in case input files contain malformed data. Validation itself is now 2-3x faster compared to previous versions (PR#121413).