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Resolving Build Failures

When building the main or release branches without modifications, most building problems are not actually errors in Blender's source code.

Please see the answers below for solutions to common problems. If none of these answers help, see Reporting Build Problems.

When large changes happen in the Blender code, switching branches or updating your compiler, the build folder may go out of date. In such cases removing the build folder and following the build instructions again is a good first thing to try.

In New Builds

Missing Library Dependencies

Missing dependencies cause two types of compiler errors. No such file errors mean a header (.h) file is missing, while unresolved symbol errors when linking mean a library is missing. This is usually because either a path to the dependency was not set correctly in the build system, the dependency was not installed, or a wrong version of the dependency was used.

The recommended way is build Blender is using precompiled libraries, which provide the required library dependencies. If the build still fails after following the instructions:

  • Check that the lib folder is located in the same directory as the blender source code folder.
  • Run make update to ensure the libraries match the branch, especially when building a release branch or tag.
  • Try removing the build folder and compiling from scratch. This may be needed after some bigger updates to Blender or switching branches.

Local Changes

Some complaints of Blender failing to build end up being caused by developers forgetting they have made changes to their code or are on a different branch than expected.

Running git status shows if you have any changes, and which branch you are on.

To stash any changes and switch to the main branch:

git stash
git checkout main

Stashed changes can be restored later if desired.

Unsupported Environment

While Blender is portable, if you compile on a less common operating system, like NetBSD for example, it may need some minor edits to compile. The same goes for compilers, less common versions may need some adjustments if no active developers are currently using them.

Unless you want to spend time supporting less common development environments, normally it is best to use the default/standard development tools for your platform.

After Editing Code

When editing the Blender source code, here are some common errors that you may run into.

DNA compile errors

Usually this means you added something to a struct in a header file and forgot to adjust the amount of padding in the struct. Blender requires that the structs be multiples of 8, see the SDNA Notes for more detail.

RNA compile errors

This usually means the wrong DNA struct type or property name was specified.

Missing Interface Buttons and Menus

Usually this means you added something to the user interface python code and made a mistake. Check the console for errors.

Make sure you added a default value in the function that creates the struct or DNA_*_defaults.h file, and that you created a version patch in the versioning code for initializing structs from existing .blend files.

Reporting Build Problems

  • Always include the full build output from start to end and the CMakeCache.txt. Often the real cause is early in the build log, and the last error may not provide enough context.

    To create a full build log you will want to redirect output into a file, see (Linux/macOS and Windows).

  • Always mention the operating system, compiler version and git branch.