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Fixed Headers and Footers

Header and Footers

Box Center
This is a strange one, perhaps because of spaces in the name " Box Center"


  • [20] is a void page. As such, changing the footer has little impact and it will have to be re-done later anyway. Skipping void pages for now.

Added the following to the above link [20]: brace brace Page/Header|2.5|Doc:2.5/Manual/3D interaction/Navigating/3D View Usage Properties|Doc:2.5/Manual/3D interaction/Navigating/3D View Usage end brace x 2 Should this be done for all voids? Would this be a fair place to try writing a script, since the content is void?

  • Are there special escape characters for spaces in url names that i'm missing? What's the deal with Box Center (between 6 and 7 above)? It looks like all other pages us '_' to separate words.

has review notes on the page. Is this normal?

  • Is this the stuff being done by Jim Tucker?

Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Constraint
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/FCurve
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Motion
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Parent
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Random
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Shape Action
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Actuators/Sound
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Logic/Controllers/Expressions
Doc:2.5/Manual/Game Engine/Physics/Material