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Auto-Blending for ActionStrips

This is just a little time-saver for NLA-workflow. With the 'Auto-Blending' option turned on in the Transform Properties (N) for an Action Strip, that strip's blendin/blendout values are determined based on the number of frames that the previous and/or next Action Strip(s) on overlap over the start and end of it.

It is turned on by default for new Action Strips added using the ⇧ ShiftN hotkey.


  • Only the actionstrips immediately on either side of the strip being evaluated, will have any effect
  • A strip that is longer-than, and extends over the sides of the strip being evaluated, will have no effect

Additional Notes:

  • Blendin/Blendout have been renamed In/Out in UI for brevity
  • Button layout in NLA Transform Properties has changed slightly again, but hopefully that shouldn't be too much of an issue.