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Just some jottings about stuff we need to do to get this stuff totally functional / nice to use in production.

From slikdigit...

Lib Linking, Proxies, and Groups

Summary: "library ref. / proxy system is quite fragile and limited"

Need to be able to:

  • override anything (object, anim, material, shader, etc.) [proxies only do object, and in a doubled-up way]
  • seperate groups can be given different overrides even though they link to the same lib
  • robust groups within groups, links that link to other things, etc.
  • flatten/ make things completely local if needed, without hassle
  • no updating/depgraph problems with links (I hear that happens)

How we're currently doing:

  • Most of these currently fail or are simply not possible

Background Scenes, etc.

Feature requests

  • 'linked layer visibility selection' for background scenes, to control what is visible/used, like for dupligroups