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Blender's current keyframing method is one of the most comfortable ones I know of. However, it does have restrictions when it comes to choosing what to keyframe. Also, the current menu that pops up could be viewed as intrusive sometimes.

Other programs solve this problem in other ways;

  • Softimage|XSI

- You need to 'mark' all the channels you wish to keyframe, everytime you do so. This is done in their equivilant of the Outliner. It has the problem of being tedious to accomplish.

Overview of Proposed Method

  • I - Inserts a keyframe using the currently active keyframing settings. This defaults to inserting channels in all curves possible.
  • CtrlI - Pops up a menu of commonly used keyframing preset settings. Inserts a keyframe using the selected method.
  • CtrlAltI - Pops up a menu of commonly used keyframing preset settings. Doesn't insert a keyframe.
  • ⇧ ShiftI - Pops up a pupblock containing the relevant keyframable channels. Inserts a keyframe using settings just defined.
  • ⇧ ShiftAltI - Pops up a pupblock containing the relevant keyframble channels. Doesn't insert a keyframe.
  • Ctrl⇧ ShiftI - Pops up a menu containing settings defining what type of keyframe to insert (Only Neeeded, Matrix). Inserts a keyframe using current settings and type just set
  • CtrlAlt⇧ ShiftI - Pops up a menu containing settings defining what type of keyframe to insert (Only Neeeded, Matrix). Doesn't insert a keyframe.